Sunday, May 13, 2012

That Moment When.

Okay. Here's the deal, I don't usually bother about trivial things around me but things just got real. It's like when you suddenly got distracted for a split-second and messed up during a game of Tetris Battle on some social network.

That moment when you really miss home, even when you look outside the window, everything reminds you about home. Maybe I was ignorant all this while, but when I looked outside the window this morning,saw vehicles passing by on the road. Then I started doing this.

"Hey, it's Mom's car. Okay, looks like it."

"That's the same model as cuzzie's Ducati."

"Eh, partner-in-crime's car! How I miss hitching rides."

"Wow, that looks like le neighbor next door's new ride"

"The color of that car reminds me of another partner-in-crime. I wonder how are they doing?"

After a few more lines like I mentioned above, only then I realized that I never did that before.

What took me so long?

Hang in there. Think about taking control of the place you (me) are staying.

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