Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blank Space.

Definitely I'm not referring to Taylor Swift's latest tune which is overplayed over the radio. 

What's up with radio stations and overplaying latest tunes? I wonder how the DJs are able to withstand that? Do they pretend to be ecstatic, if they are appalled with the tunes?

Pardon the brief digression/impromptu prologue.

Lately (and currently, wait. All this while) I'm on ninja mode. Observing silently. 
No new posts/entries/tweets. Nil. Nada. Zilch.

That's where the 'blank space' is implied.

Frankly speaking, I feel that there's nothing extra interesting to tell or to show and/or to share.

I wonder why I am not like other interesting people out here/there. 

I've figured it out.
The key is to actually make a (big) deal out of something or someone. 
The best is to do it excessively. 

That's too much work when compared to observing in silence. Besides, I do not like it when people cry. 

I cannot comprehend- why would someone take their rage on such a beauty ( referring to the Cobra in Swift's video, despite it's only video tricks. She didn't wreck the car). I'd rather the bloke be the victim, not the cars. Cars are innocent. 

See? I don't make sense when I make a big deal out of some matters. 
I'll be quiet as a mouse from now on. 


Thursday, January 01, 2015


Shadow(s). Always there but rarely acknowledged.

"Lookin' back on the things I've done. I was trying to be someone." 
- Backstreet Boys (2000).

I welcome the advent of 2015.

Dope riff.