Sunday, September 04, 2016

Chill vibes.

The first 2 things I managed to comprehend when I first heard this track (solely because I was captivated with the riff, as usual) was "chocolate cheoreom" (literal translation: chocolate like) and "achim sagwa cheoreom" (literal translation: morning apple like). Someone please get me some food because I am baegopa (hungry)! :P

"Even if you're tired, make sure you eat breakfast and lunch, then you'll sleep better later at night."
Also, be sure to drink plenty of water, pause for a moment to be thankful with everything you have and be & stay safe.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Reluctant to Change.

I can assure you that this post's contents will be parallel to its title.

Finally I have 3 things to make a big deal out of.

I haven't updated le Twitter app since they changed the favorite star icon to the like/love icon.
Technically, I win because I LOVE the favorite icon. It still boggles my mind, the reason behind the change of Twitter's signature icon. *slowpoke*

I define perseverance as the action of constantly declining Window's offer to upgrade to Windows 10. Imagine the frequent pop-ups/ reminders for upgrade which went on for months. I've been through that, patiently until the offer ended sometime in July. Now now, before any of you starts to lecture me on Windows 10, I'll explain the reason I refuse the upgrade.
I'm currently using a software for le Statistics subject which is incompatible with Windows 10.
Nuff said.

I utilized the word 'deteriorated' in one of the posts' comments. Woo hoo.

This track gives off that doo-day vibe!
Hello hello hello hello~

P.s I suggest that you view the video on Youtube, just in case Ads from Google intrudes on the video here,

Friday, September 02, 2016

안녕하세요! Wie geht es Ihnen?

Resurrection post, perhaps?

Probably not. Just popping by to say hello.

Hello hello hello hello ~ sing that the same way Vromance does.

I can't recall the last time since I last written an entry even in le personal journal.

죄송합니다, entschuldigung Sie. 

"If you're gonna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious. Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like "rat" and "patootie." Rat patootie! Which does not sound delicious."
-Alfredo Linguini (2007)

Tschüss! 뿅!

Friday, February 20, 2015


One Direction:Steal My Girl
Me: Stole My Shoes

I'm starting to get the hang of parodies and puns.

Some irresponsible schmuck stole le me supercool favorite pair of shoes. 

I need some time to get over this loss. 

"Somebody stole my shoes" ( sing in the tune of the song's chorus).

P.s. If it weren't for this unfortunate incident, I wouldn't listen to that track in the first place.

*runs away and hides behind the shadows*

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blank Space.

Definitely I'm not referring to Taylor Swift's latest tune which is overplayed over the radio. 

What's up with radio stations and overplaying latest tunes? I wonder how the DJs are able to withstand that? Do they pretend to be ecstatic, if they are appalled with the tunes?

Pardon the brief digression/impromptu prologue.

Lately (and currently, wait. All this while) I'm on ninja mode. Observing silently. 
No new posts/entries/tweets. Nil. Nada. Zilch.

That's where the 'blank space' is implied.

Frankly speaking, I feel that there's nothing extra interesting to tell or to show and/or to share.

I wonder why I am not like other interesting people out here/there. 

I've figured it out.
The key is to actually make a (big) deal out of something or someone. 
The best is to do it excessively. 

That's too much work when compared to observing in silence. Besides, I do not like it when people cry. 

I cannot comprehend- why would someone take their rage on such a beauty ( referring to the Cobra in Swift's video, despite it's only video tricks. She didn't wreck the car). I'd rather the bloke be the victim, not the cars. Cars are innocent. 

See? I don't make sense when I make a big deal out of some matters. 
I'll be quiet as a mouse from now on. 


Thursday, January 01, 2015


Shadow(s). Always there but rarely acknowledged.

"Lookin' back on the things I've done. I was trying to be someone." 
- Backstreet Boys (2000).

I welcome the advent of 2015.

Dope riff.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What's the big deal about it?

The title above may appear (or is) ambiguous, rhetoric, cliche, you mention it.

Nope, I ain't gonna apologize for abandoning this blog for quite sometime (like I used to) because what's the big deal about it?

Currently in school (during le Winter break), munching on a Mars bar for breakfast.
"So what?", you may say, because what's the big deal about it?

Probably you'd figure out why I went invisible all this while because I got nothing to ramble about, solely due to the "what's the big deal about it?" principle.

Life may or is about making a big deal about anything, something and/or everything. The question is, is it worth it (i,e. making a big deal about your life)?

A number of trivial matters that I'd like to make a big deal out of it:

1. School starts in less than 3 weeks.
2. You are currently reading a (soon-to-be) sophomore
3. Le madre tried to surpass my high score on Pencil Pilot
4. My Mars bar expires in November
5. My wooden pencils are unevenly sharpened
6. The chair near me is broken
7. I still can't figure out the appropriate way to tie my shoes
8. The sky is blue, when the weather's fine
9. Blind people cannot see
10. Oxygen is essential for living things
11. Tomorrow is August 21, which is the 21st day in August
12. One year from now, you'll be a year older than you are today
13. Ice is actually frozen water
14. You can't read this sentence with your eyes closed
15. One minute is sixty seconds
16. You have now reached the end of my list (for the time being)

Obnoxious, no?
Does that ring a bell?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What is ...?

Hey howdy hey!

I'll just cut to the chase since I'm having my writing mojo at the moment. Do pardon the irrelevance and/or ambiguity. This is a result of being awake at this time of the day.

I can't really recall a post somewhere, where someone mentioned that love ain't solely about saying the 3 words (you know this). It can be in all sorts of forms such as someone advising you, a person reminding you to buckle up before a car ride or even a simple hello or how are you can make a person's day and also show that you care.

So, one of my definitions of that four letter word is helping an amazing friend understand Calculus concepts and solving equations.

Yup, you wouldn't really understand but it does mean the world to me,
"...cause... you're worth it" - JT 

Let's turn the spotlight on you now. What does that four letter word mean to you?

I should sleep now :)

And oh, did I mention that the four letter word starts with a 'C' not an 'L'?