Sunday, March 18, 2012

Page 78 of 366.

I have locked myself up in le room. You know, to protect myself from any sight of cars coming to le residential college: parents and families sending their kids/family member back to school.

I have to admit that I envy them. They should know and realize how super lucky they are and appreciate those moments since some of us had to come to school alone, yet the ones I highly respect are those who remained here in Shah Alam during the break.

It's super amazing that you guys (those I mentioned in the previous sentence) have the will and determination to fight off that homesick feeling. I guess I'm not mature enough to do so. Trying my best to brush off that feeling by digressing my mind with acoustic covers and food.

Anyone willing to teach me the ways to prevent/cure the homesickness disease?

P.s I'm sorry if appear as a whiny cry baby. Can't help it. I'm just a kid.

1 comment:

  1. How to cure home sickness? Make the place where you currently live your home. Make or buy things that remind you of home and place them around the place. Wherever feels comfortable or looks 'right'. My room has tonnes of family photos. But home might mean something different for you.
