Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Factoids of Me. Part 1.

It's not that I'm selfish or unwilling to share my knowledge or anything like that. Sometimes (most of the time, actually)

Don't be offended when I reject when you randomly offer food to me. It's just that my hands are not clean, unless you offer me food when I'm also eating at that moment. I always wash my hands when necessary since I have poor immune system. If I don't do so, especially before eating, I'll definitely end up having a sore throat and ulcers.

When I'm feeling down, I listen to this:

It makes me feel calm and sometimes make me wonder, why can't I be the rain instead of being a stupid human, who constantly makes mistakes and being a disgrace to some people? It's not that I'm being ungrateful but being the rain is more worthy as you know what the rain does.

I'm an introvert. Oh yeah, you know that already. Did I mention I'm pathetic? Yeah, I did. Pathetic me.

I use the word I excessively. I'm unsure whether I is a word (which refers to me). See what I mean?

I guess that's enough factoids of the day, in case you are bored to death or something like that.

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