Monday, March 19, 2012


I was in the midst of deep erudition of a specific branch of Mathematics until some ignorant caller keeps calling me. For the record, I don't answer unknown calls. If anyone really needs to contact me, they should text me to indicate their identities.  Back to the story: I ignored the first 2 calls since I did miss a call from that number earlier this afternoon. For the 3rd time, I "answered" the call but didn't say a word. So did the caller. The same thing happened for the next 2 calls. For the next call, I did the same thing and only faked my voice to tell them they called the wrong person when the caller started saying something in foreign (not that foreign) and in the end the caller hanged up. At that moment I was relieved that I could continue with le task.

I said that too soon. Received another 3 calls. Since I was a little annoyed since my study mood was disrupted and picked up the calls without answering them. Serves HER right. Y U No understand that you are calling the wrong number. As a valuable lesson to her, I purposely picked up the calls, now she needs to pay: the bills or losing her credit. So caller,

Enough of that irrelevant situation.

Everyone(almost everyone, including me) is anticipating the big day which is in less than 48 hours.
It's normal to be nervous, giddy, insecure and all the feelings in the world on the big day. I have no rights to say that since I wasn't around during last year's results day.

I'd say this:

Dear students of SPM 2011 batch and future college juniors,

Everything happens for a reason and the reason indicates your strengths and weaknesses. Try to learn from them (too cliche)

All the best! (too mainstream and too late)

You can do it! (do what? go to school, take le results, meet friends and teachers, reminisce)

Keep faith and trust that our creator has already planned everything for us, He knows best.
Therefore, keep calm and no matter what your results are, you will have it for the rest of your lives YOU WILL HAVE IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES. [laughs evilly]

Sorry for using all caps for the last few words. I just had to emphasize my point. To be frank, that really made my day. 

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