Friday, November 11, 2011


I have no idea for the title. Sorry.
So, today; the day (almost) everyone anticipate just because of the date: 11/11/11.
It's just numbers, people. Next year, everyone will anticipate 12/12/12.
I'm glad there's no new month after December, since we'll have to start with January all over again. Hence, there's no 13/13/13or 14/14/14 or 15/15/15 ( and the list goes on). Fair enough, I assume it's easier to remember when the numbers are similar.

Enough with the boring introduction. I went blogwalking (as usual) and also found out that it was the last day of school for certain local high school seniors before the BIG day. I will not mention anything about that daunting day which they have been anticipating since a long time and I'm sure that they are waiting for the moment to get their missions over with. All the best, kids!

To be frank, that isn't the highlight of this post. The main point is about the last day of school before SPM exams the BIG day. Tomorrow will be the 1st anniversary for kids of my batch as alumni of my high school.
Last year, I did made efforts to treasure memories by (spontaneously) requesting my classmates and buddies to record  videos from my webcam and also jot personal messages in my yearbook and/or  my (so-called) private journal.

My question is: Does anyone (other than me) remember the day? (My guts say: No.)

If none remembered, that means everyone had moved on with their lives and I'm left behind, stuck with past memories and refuse to let go of those wonderful moments.
I refuse to let go everything abruptly because if I do, umm, I won't want to mention the reasons. I apologize for that matter.

In other words, everyone is evil and I'm the pathetic kid stuck with the past.

I was planning to upload those videos just for the sake of preserving memories, but bother that. No one would appreciate it though. I bet no one remembered anything about those videos and etc.

P.s  I'm very sorry because of this so-called emotional post. Can't help it. Going to  diverge my mind off these things with another tome for the rest of the day. Till then, stay awesome.

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