Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Greetings, Earthlings. I come in peace. Take me to to your leader. Well, that was random.
Let's cut to the chase.

Woke up at 0330hrs, early enough to beat the alarm clock,whilst almost everyone is still drawing maps on their pillow(s). Started the journey to the airport at 0430hrs. Dad tagged along because he wouldn't let me drive. So the back seat belongs to me the whole journey. I really love the scenery and situation along the way. It's still the same minus the vehicles and sunlight. Replace them with the morning mist and fresh air.

The aftermath of yesterday's downpour is still visible.
Reached the airport in less than 30 minutes. Helped to settle the self check-in and luggage. Bid farewell and straight went to the viewing area.
The airport mist

Boeing 737-400

Early Bird Catches The Worm
The exterior airport view at 0508hrs:

En route home.
p.s I love airports and airplanes but I dislike farewells.
p.p.s My apologies for the low quality photos.Try not to click on the photos for better resolution. I blame the mist for fogging up my mobile's lens. Seriously. Sorry mist, for blaming you.

1 comment:

  1. you're always at the airport? how come? been flying a lot lately huh?
