Thursday, June 23, 2011


I remembered learning about dinosaurs during pre-k. Almost everyone chose this as their favourite.
Tyrannosaurus Rex aka T-Rex
But I prefered
The Stegosaurus. Lego Version

Why? The photos of the Stegosaurus shown by the teacher was green. Green used to be my favourite. There's also the Giganotosaurus, Albertosaurus, Diplodocus, Velosiraptors, Parasaurolophus and more.

Actually that's not my point. Sorry for going off course. I get distracted easily, but not all the time.

Let's cut to the chase shall we?
Went 'treasure hunting' and found this.


Remember those? I'm sure that those pattern are off the charts and  are replaced by these

Speaking of pencils, I prefer using pencils while doing Maths in high school. The teacher kept telling us to use pens as it shows that we're more confident. But I prefer not to waste any correction tape and ink, I stick to pencils. Not being superstitious or anything, during the BIG exam last year, Additional Maths Paper 2, I started using pen for the first few questions. I felt very uneasy and was unsure whether I should use the pencil instead. I stopped for a while and let my mind rest. The instructions at the front page of the paper didn't say anything about using pens is a must. So I took the risk and used pencil instead. I immediately experienced a major difference in me. Gratefully, I managed to answer the questions without any weird feeling or anything.

I have no idea why I revealed that story to you.

p.s Hoping that the college administrator will allow me to do placement tests on laptops, my penmanship is in bad condition. I need to go back to pre-k to learn how to write. Pronto!
p.p.s 9 days till college starts, haven't finish packing. Still waiting for the 11th hour to arrive.
p.p.p.s Sorry for the low quality photos. Don't know why.

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