Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Just Saying.

Hey howdy hey! I hope everyone's doing fine.

I've completed one of the listening sections as preparation for TOEFL. 10 days till the big day.

Some of you might ask (not in the exact words), "What on Earth is TOEFL?".
After that, some of you (especially the curious ones) will immediately Google it up whereas the others (just saying in general) would just let it be.

I'd say TOEFL is somewhat similar to MUET.

Then, some of you may ask "What's MUET?".

I say kindly, " Good question. Google it up, mate!"

What was I thinking? Of course everyone knows what TOEFL and MUET are. Pathetic me.

Truth be told that wasn't the main highlight of this post. Man, I'm really good at digressing. Awesome.

There's a lot of things in my mind. I shouldn't mention that. Everyone experience the same thing. Pfftttt.

Well, I've no idea about this post.

I'll be going back to college in less than a month. Mum already derived a plan about next year's Chinese New Year break for me. All I could do is pray that there will be a break during the new year.

Explored some files just to pass the time and realize how much I grew and experienced since my after SPM life. I'd never trade anything that I've gained even if someone offered the world to me.

It's been a while since the last time I spend quality time with my PS2. Call me old-school or anything. It's up to you.

Downloaded the latest version of WhatsApp. Had fun WhatsApp-ing myself with emoticons.
Yup. I'm pathetic. I do not own any of those super-cool iPhones or Blackberrys. Just the pedestrian Symbian phone. I'm not that spoilt, ungrateful city kid.
Besides, I was the one who turned down my  parents' generous offer to own those gadgets as I feel owning those would make me feel like I'm one of those people in the world (apparently and literally).
It's just too common. No offense.

I guess that's enough ranting for one night. I shall return to my lair to hangout with some tomes.

P.s I'm sorry for this pathetic post,my pathetic self (even though I'm grateful with my pathetic-ness, sometimes) and the excessive use of the word "pathetic". Maybe I should change the title of this post to "Pathetic" instead.

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