Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(Almost) The End of Fall Semester 2011.

Today was the final classes for Fall Semester 2011. Started the day with Oral Communication class. Entertained ourselves with our radio drama presentations. The last group presented their book review during USEL 11 class. USEL 15 was fun today. We read  "letters" written to each other during our first week in class. It's somewhat a description of ourselves by another person and we had to guess the person being described. But we were more interested in finding out the describer. At the end of the class that we found out that it was our beloved lecturer's final days here in college. I feel bad because we made her very emotional. In the end we managed to cheer her up. During that class it rained heavily, as if the weather understood how the whole class felt. The lecturer did try to eschew from being emotional since she had to go for lunch with her friend. Unfortunately she can't do so since we gave her the sad look. It was  her last class for the eternity (sorry for the exaggeration) and we were sad because we will be separated according to our courses during the next semester.

After the last class ended, we had to wait for the rain to stop. The whole class(almost) requested me to speak in Malay language since I always use English to communicate with them all the time throughout the semester.  Then we proceeded to have lunch together. the 20 of us dominated the food outlet for more than 60 minutes and we went bowling. 1/5 of the Chicagoans compete against each other in racing at the arcade, twice. It was quite a day but really had fun spending moments with this family.

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