Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Greetings January 2013.

Hey, 2013! I hope we can get along well.

It does not make sense to request a certain year to be good to you as you are the one who's going through that year. The year is only the space and the measuring tool for you to continue living (with His permission) and resume writing the story of your lives.

Speaking of writing, I gladly announce that I have already started writing again! I hope I can maintain this habit. I say so because I have the time to write, now. I wonder whether I am able to do so if I'm occupied with school and all.

Great. Experiencing writer's block. Man! I missed that term. I'm glad I can use it now. Yay me.

How about resolutions? Would I like to discuss it here, just to make this post longer?


I do not want to sound impolite or anything but I'll just improvise and create along the way. Everyone's given the power to plan but only He knows best.

Pardon my manners, welcome back to school 2013 to most students nationwide.

2013, game on.

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