Saturday, September 03, 2016

Reluctant to Change.

I can assure you that this post's contents will be parallel to its title.

Finally I have 3 things to make a big deal out of.

I haven't updated le Twitter app since they changed the favorite star icon to the like/love icon.
Technically, I win because I LOVE the favorite icon. It still boggles my mind, the reason behind the change of Twitter's signature icon. *slowpoke*

I define perseverance as the action of constantly declining Window's offer to upgrade to Windows 10. Imagine the frequent pop-ups/ reminders for upgrade which went on for months. I've been through that, patiently until the offer ended sometime in July. Now now, before any of you starts to lecture me on Windows 10, I'll explain the reason I refuse the upgrade.
I'm currently using a software for le Statistics subject which is incompatible with Windows 10.
Nuff said.

I utilized the word 'deteriorated' in one of the posts' comments. Woo hoo.

This track gives off that doo-day vibe!
Hello hello hello hello~

P.s I suggest that you view the video on Youtube, just in case Ads from Google intrudes on the video here,

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