Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Question.

I can't seem to find the time to answer this question: "When are you leaving for the States?"

I'm sorry. 

We'll just have to wait and pray that I have the time to answer that ultimate question. 

Just So You Know.

I'm unsure whether this post helps.
Kiddo, I hope you'll be strong. La Tahzan. Whatever it is, most of us agree on one thing, you are B-e-a-utiful,  you possess both inner and outer pulchritude. Always be grateful with what you have.

If only I could teleport to where you are right now and sing this to you, emphasizing the "I'll call you Beautiful" part.

Have a safe journey back to college. Hang in there, it won't be long till you come back for the year-end holidays.

Forgive me if this post seems cryptic and all. It's just that things are easier to be said in person.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pre-Dawn Post.

Gooooood Morning world! Day 3 of Syawal.

Happy Eid Mubarak 1433H . Forgive me for everything, especially my puerile antics and also for leaving most of you hanging with that certain question. To those people, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to that on purpose. There's a reason behind every act or speech.

I'm just a kid. I'll try my best to be a better person but no promises! I am who I am.

Won't tell why I am awake at this moment.

Don't know why am I flattered with the fact that the cat's name is almost similar to mine.

Some of you may (already) ask/ed
"A, when are you flying to the States?"

Brace yourselves, the truth will prevail. Soon.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Super Brief Update.

Greetings and Guten Morgen, world!

It's been a while since the last time I came here.
It's super hard to find time and ramble randomly here lately. It's just that I'm being super helpful and useful to help anyone out for the Eid preparations. By just mentioing that, it's sad to be aware of the fact that this super blissful month of Ramadhan is going to leave us.

I guess that's it for now. I'll try my best to find time to at least post something entertaining but I can't promise you anything. Till then stay awesome and experience this Ramadhan to the fullest while it lasts.